Onde estamos

  • Av. Bailarina Selma Parada, 201 - Sala 422 - Jardim Madalena - Campinas/SP - CEP: 13091-904

Canais de Atendimento

24 outubro, 2023

Palestra sobre prevenção

Contagem regressiva

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Prof. Jessica Thomas

Telefone : (19)9 1234-1234
Email: [email protected]


Detalhes do evento

We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure. We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure.
  • Comprehensive reporting on individual achievement
  • Educational field trips and school presentations
  • Individual attention in a small-class setting
  • Learning program with after-school care
  • Comprehensive reporting on individual achievement
  • Educational field trips and school presentations
  • Individual attention in a small-class setting
  • Learning program with after-school care



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